A Space To Draw

(click here to visit A Space To Draw’s dedicated website)


The mission of A Space To Draw is to offer San Francisco’s most marginalized and underserved communities opportunities to experience mindfulness, moments of peace, and creative empowerment all through the act of drawing.

Goals and Objectives:

 My goal in creating this program is to strengthen, heal and bridge communities by offering a stimulating and portable means of making and sharing art. In motivating my students to find joy in drawing, I hope to transform moments of idle time – often opportunities for harmful behavior –  into constructive behavior and opportunities for self-actualization.

Through these classes, my students will:

  1. develop and practice self-regulation techniques using simple drawing strategies that slow breathing and reduce anxiety.
  2. develop an understanding of and confidence drawing lines, designing motifs, and creating patterns.
  3. acquire confidence drawing their surroundings as they learn how to use value and color and develop accuracy in capturing complex forms and subject matter. 
  4. learn how to use their environment to inspire ideas that they can implement in their drawings.